

On-Site Service now at The Gentle Jaunt / Goldsprint Showroom Closed! 26. April 2023

Due big changes in our staffing situation we have been stretched out over our two stores now for a while now and coudnt offer the service we want to. Together with a rather complicated landlord situation at our Goldsprint Showroom in the near future, we decided to downsize our operation to get back to more familiar and customer-focused way of handling things! With a heavy heart we will close the Goldsprint showroom after so many good years and combine our forces at our second location: The Gentle Jaunt at Simon-Dach-Str. 20 in 10245 Berlin.

As our onlineshop keeps working as usual all our on-site service as workshop service, sales and guidance will now be at TGJ in Friedrichshain. Goldsprint with its focus on high road cycling, individual wheel building and customization will keep up the work from the new location. It will probably take us a while to transfer and get back to smooth operations, but we try as best we can in the meantime.

At Plesserstr. 2 we will keep an Online Pick Up Point for all of you who just want to grab ordered items fast! Information on that you will find in our onlinestore.

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